Kriselda Gura is PhD.c. on Circular Economy and has finished an Executive Master Program on Economic Territorial Planning and Developement of the Territories at Agricultural University of Tirana. She has finished one year Advanced Program at Epoka University near the Department of Economics. She hold a Master of Science degree in Finance, from the University of Tirana and a Master of Science degree on Public Relations, and is graduated with Honor Certificatefrom Bachelor studies.
She currently works as lecturer at Informatic Economics Department and Head of Research and Project Office at Beder University College and works as Teaching Assistant at TOR VERGATA, Italy. Ms. Gura is a National Consultant – Consultant for Policy Research Unit to draft the national Employment Strategy near the Ministry of Finance in Albania, is engaged as External Expert at UNDP Albania, and works as Project Manager. She has an extensive esperience aslecturer and researcher: has been appointed as research assistent and assistent lecturer on different higher education institutions, and knows very well different proccess on HEIs. Additionally, has experience on framing policy and strategy on different levels and on project implementation and management from different programs and donors; is author and co-author of different research works on international journals with impact factor. Her research focuses are circular economy, green economy, sustainable development and project finance.