The Global Barometer

The Global Barometer at TRENDS measures public opinion trends regarding internal and external economic, social, political, and cultural issues. To this end, it uses an integrated system for preparing and carrying out surveys, field studies, and public opinion polls in accordance with the highest international standards.


Areas of Focus

Political Issues

Political Issues

Economic Issues

Economic Issues

Social Issues

Social Issues

Satisfaction Surveys

Satisfaction Surveys

Construction of Indicators

Construction of Indicators

Opinion Polls Methodology

  • Planning
    1. Topic selection: The topic is selected based on:
      • A study of local and global events.
      • A request from an entity.
    2. Specifying the main objective: The main objective is clearly specified so that sub-objectives can be defined.
    3. Data collection: At this stage, the number of variables and questions to be included in the questionnaire is decided, as is the sample from which the data will be collected.
    4. Sample design: An up-to-date and comprehensive framework, including all segments of the targeted society, is designed to ensure accurate poll results.
    5. Determining the required resources: At this stage, the required resources, such as data entry programs, iPad devices, and human resources, are determined, depending on the nature and scope of the opinion poll.
  • Preparation for the poll
    1. Setting the organizational framework: The organizational framework is set, through which activities are outlined and distributed among the team members.
    2. The budget: A detailed poll budget is set at this stage, with expenses based on:
      • Sample size and scope.
      • Questionnaire size.
      • Timeline of the poll.
    3. Data collection: The method to be used for data collection is determined, which includes:
      • Personal interviews.
      • Group interviews.
      • Discussion groups.
      • Phone interviews.
      • Sending the questionnaire via an electronic link.
    4. Training program for researchers: At this stage, researchers are trained on the poll details and acquainted with its importance and objective.
    5. Sample selection: The sample is selected based on the sample design.
    6. Pre-testing of the questionnaire: This aims to ensure that there are no problems or flaws in the questionnaire in terms of accuracy and clarity of questions, as well as the responsiveness of respondents to the questions. At this stage, an assessment is made about the time researchers would require to fill in the questionnaire and identify potential problems that may occur in the field.
  • Execution of the poll
    1. Fieldwork: A fieldwork team is formed, comprising field researchers, supervisors, and a project manager.
    2. Response rate: The response rate is analyzed to identify the reasons behind low-level responses, if at all, at an early stage.
    3. Follow-up and quality control: This stage includes several measures before the poll’s final results are extracted by using a statistical data quality guide.
  • Extracting the results
    1. Coding: Each answer is given a code or number, and answers to open-ended questions in the questionnaire are also encoded.
    2. Designing entry programs:The Barometer Department uses special programs, such as the TRENDS online survey platform, to design and set questionnaires.
    3. Designing results extraction programs: The department uses the IBM SPSS statistical program to analyze the data and extract the results.
    4. Presentation of the results and report writing: The results are presented after ensuring data accuracy and completing the extraction of all frequency and cross tables. The final survey report includes:
      • Analysis method.
      • Sample design method.
      • Survey tools used for data collection.
      • Summary of the main results.
      • Results and analysis.
      • Comparisons with the results of other or previous polls, provided that they have been carried out in similar conditions.
      • General recommendations.
      • Tables as appendices.