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Lecture on Religious Tolerance and Peaceful Coexistence in the Age of Globalization

14 Nov 2022

Lecture on Religious Tolerance and Peaceful Coexistence in the Age of Globalization

14 Nov 2022

Imam Mohammad Tawhidi emphasized that we stand at a crossroads today. Globalization, the force that brings us closer than ever before, presents great opportunities and enormous challenges. One of the significant challenges looming ahead is the specter of conflict fueled by religious differences. However, in the face of this challenge, let us remember a fundamental truth: religions do not initiate wars.

Wars do not originate from religions but from injustice and the thirst for power and influence. At its core, religion is a source of peace, love, and mercy. It paves the way for cooperation and bridges across divisions, calling for the unity of humanity rather than its division.

Often, religion is misused, and its teachings are distorted to justify violence and control. This is not the will of God, nor is it the true essence of any faith. In its purest form, religion is a guide, not a weapon. It promotes humility rather than dominance. It calls for dialogue, not inflammatory rhetoric. It seeks understanding rather than submission.

Religions are not intended to rule by the sword or to dominate. The divine message is one of love, mercy, and values. It is a call to transcend differences and find common ground in our shared humanity that binds us all.

In this interconnected age, tolerance is not a luxury but a necessity. We must realize that diversity is not a threat but a strength.

Let us reject narratives of fear and division. Instead, let us build bridges of understanding, not walls of doubt. Let us remember that the hand extended in friendship knows no religion but only the mutual desire for peace and prosperity.

The UAE is a land where minarets stand next to church bells and religions thrive side by side. It sends a powerful message to the world, promoting religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence. In this age of globalization, let us embrace this message and build a future where everyone is valued, differences are celebrated, and peace prevails.
