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TRENDS and China Media Group organize symposium on Chinese Economy .. The UAE-China partnership illuminates the prosperous paths of innovation and sustainability

20 Mar 2024

TRENDS and China Media Group organize symposium on Chinese Economy .. The UAE-China partnership illuminates the prosperous paths of innovation and sustainability

20 Mar 2024

Officials, experts and researchers stressed that the UAE-China partnership is an example of international cooperation based on mutual respect and benefit. This partnership is not limited to economic and trade relations, but highlights the paths for innovation and sustainability.

Trends Research and Advisory organized a symposium in cooperation with the China Media Group regional office, as part of TRENDS’ Ramadan cultural activities. The symposium was entitled “Chin’s Economy in the prosperity Phase”, at Trends’ conference hall in Abu Dhabi.

The speakers said that the Belt and Road Initiative reflects China’s commitment to promote international cooperation based on trade and mutual economic growth. These corridors are not just channels for the flow of goods and services, but bridges connecting cultures and providing innovative solutions to the economic and political challenges facing the world today.

The recent accession of the UAE and Saudi Arabia to the BRICS bloc will push the partnership between China and the Arab Gulf countries to more prosperity, and economic relations between China and the UAE will flourish, as the two sides have a long record of trade partnership. They have a common vision and are driven by similar motives towards multiple international issues.


Considering Opportunities

The seminar began with welcoming remarks by Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali, CEO of Trends Research and Advisory, in which he stressed the importance of the seminar, held in cooperation with the China Media Group regional office. He said the theme of the symposium focuses on the Chinese economy in the prosperity phase and highlights the repercussions of this prosperity on the prospects of global economic growth.

He indicated that studying China’s growth prospects is at the heart of Trends’ research interests, including the opportunities resulting from this growth, both in terms of international trade and global investment flows. This aspect is of particular importance in a world that is currently struggling to recover from the repercussions of successive crises. Dr. Al-Ali said that China has set an ambitious target for economic growth of about 5% in 2024, which has increased the optimism of major multinational companies about China’s long-term potential.

Dr. Al-Ali stressed that   the   recent accession of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to the BRICS bloc will push the partnership between China and the Arab Gulf countries towards more prosperous economic relations between China and the UAE in particular. The two countries have a long history of trade partnership, share a common vision and are driven by similar motives towards multiple international issues.  The success of China’s Belt and Road Initiative is of great importance for regional and global development.

In the keynote speech, His Excellency Zhang Yiming, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the UAE, expressed his sincere congratulations to Trends Center for hosting the global media dialogue, citing a Chinese proverb that says, “Make your whole year’s plan in the spring,” and stressed that spring is the most appropriate time to start business. This is consistent with the topic and timing of the global media dialogue.

HE the Ambassador said that the Chinese economy recovered from the Corona epidemic and entered the right track of active development. In 2023, China’s total economic output will reach $18 trillion, with an annual growth rate of 5.2%, and contributing nearly one-third of the global economic growth.

His Excellency said that over the past forty years, the Chinese-UAE relations have withstood various international changes. Relations between the two countries are flourishing and growing steadily. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations between China and the United Arab Emirates.

The Chinese Ambassador stated that in 2023, the volume of bilateral trade between the UAE and China amounted to $95 billion. At the same time joint cooperation in major projects between the two countries is flourishing in all fields. The project to teach Chinese in 200 Emirati schools has become a global project to teach the Chinese language.

His Excellency the Ambassador concluded his remarks by emphasizing that the United Arab Emirates is a strategic partner.  The two countries share a common future. The UAE has a positive opinion on China’s achievements and relations between China and the United Arab Emirates. He also expressed his hope for more fruitful cooperation between the two countries.

In the opening speech, Saeed Hamad Al Ghafli, Head of the Economic Affairs Section at the UAE Embassy in China, said: “This year we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Chinese-Emirati relations, which reflects the depth and strength of these relations. He said that the past years have witnessed the strengthening of the political, commercial and cultural ties between the two countries, which enhances their ambitions towards a bright future.

He added that the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of China share many things, including great ambitions in the international arena. Furthermore, China has become the first trading partner of the Emirates, as the volume of trade exchange between the two countries has reached 73 billion dollars, and the two countries are intending to raise the figure to $200 billion in 2030.

He stressed that relations between the two countries reflect a common commitment towards enhancing cooperation in various political, cultural and economic fields. He explained that there are more than 6,000 Chinese companies operating in the UAE.

He said that today we are witnessing a new era of strategic partnerships between the two countries in the field of artificial intelligence and advanced technology. The close relations between the two countries represent a model in international relations, because they share ambitions and have a strong commitment towards innovation.

Potentials and Prospects

The symposium began with a discussion of the theme on the Chinese model of development: opportunities and main features. The panel was moderated by Ms. Mu Li, Director of the Regional Office of the China Media Group in the Middle East.

She spoke about China’s modernization model with a focus on the Belt and Road Initiative and China’s endeavors for balanced international economic relations. She called for strengthening economic relations between the two countries through participation in the international supply chain exhibition.

Ms. Mu Li highlighted global initiatives launched by China to support global economic development, such as the Belt and Road Initiative. She indicated her country’s aspiration to cooperate with the UAE, which seeks to become a leading industrial hub, and stressed that the exhibition constitutes an important opportunity for Emirati companies to engage in global supply chains and benefit from the relevant Chinese expertise.

The Role of Media

The second theme discussed the role of media in strengthening China-Gulf relations. The speakers discussed the effective role of media as a tool of public diplomacy that strengthens relations between countries. They discussed the role of media in promoting positive relations between China and the UAE, and the importance of enhancing UAE-China media cooperation.

Dr.  Hamad Al Kaabi, CEO of Al Ittihad News Center, Editor-in-Chief of Al Ittihad Newspaper, said that the Late Sheikh Zayed, May Allah has Mercy on him, laid the first building block for UAE-Chinese relations forty years ago. After that the country’s leadership followed the same path of developing these relations.

He added that the presence of 6,000 Chinese commercial companies in the UAE reflects the extent of how the UAE has become a major hub for many Chinese brands, given the unique position of the UAE as a global center.

He indicated that the past forty years have witnessed many mutual visits by officials in the culture and media sectors. That is why these aspects of the relationship between the UAE and China enjoyed an advanced ranking. These relations are of no less significance than the thriving trade relations between the two countries.

Dr. Al Kaabi stressed the existence of advance cultural and media relations between the UAE and China. He said that there is an intellectual output from those relations, noting in this regard that in 2001 an agreement was signed for media and cultural cooperation between the two countries. The UAE has also hosted the China Media Group since 2009, as well as many Chinese newspapers and media institutions.

The UAE and China: partners in shaping the future

The third theme addressed the UAE-China economic relations: growing cooperation and promising prospects.  Researcher and strategic analyst Amjad Taha delivered a paper entitled “The UAE is China’s gateway to the Gulf region”, in which he spoke about the Chinese development and Emirati model of development, similarities and points of convergence. He explained the indicators of prosperity of intra-UAE-China trade and investments, and the role of the private sector in deepening UAE-China relations.

Amjad Taha stressed that the UAE shines as a living pulse of the Middle East, while China shines like a bright genius; together, they embody a unique story where the heart and mind synergize for a higher purpose. This pioneering partnership not only promotes joint progress, but also contributes to shape a bright future for the whole world.

In a time of intertwined threads of globalization, the UAE-China partnership is a model of international cooperation based on mutual respect and benefit, he added. This relationship is not limited to economic and trade relations, but illuminates the paths of innovation and sustainability, especially in the fields of clean energy and technology. It promises a better future not only for the region, but for the whole world.

He concluded that with the growing economic cooperation between the UAE and China, we are witnessing the crystallization of new trade corridors that pave the way for future development. “These corridors are not just channels for the flow of goods and services, but bridges that connect cultures and provide innovative solutions to the economic and political challenges facing the world today.”

Future of the Belt and Road Initiative

The fourth theme addressed the future trends of Chinese growth and its global impacts. Abdulaziz Al Shehi, a researcher at the Trends Research and Advisory, spoke about the components of Chinese growth in the era of international economic competition, the future of the Belt and Road Initiative and its global development impacts, and China, the BRICS, and leadership in global competition.

He stressed the great role that China plays in the world order, both in terms of economic and political power, and noted that China is a rising global economic power with a great influence on the international system. “Through the Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS Group, it seeks to enhance international cooperation and balance the global economic system”, he said. However, he indicated that China faces some challenges, but recognizing these challenges and dealing with them wisely will help China achieve its ultimate goals.

Zayed Al Dhaheri, researcher at Trends Research and Advisory introduced the symposium theme and announced the final recommendations.