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TRENDS Conversation 2: Cyber Pulse

27 Jul 2022

TRENDS Conversation 2: Cyber Pulse

27 Jul 2022

On 27 July 2022, TRENDS Research and Advisory organized a conversation on cybersecurity, featuring Dr. Mohamed Hamad Al-Kuwaiti, Head of Cybersecurity Council for the UAE Government, who was interviewed by Mohammed Al-Sawafi, a writer and researcher specializing in international relations.

Dr. Al-Kuwaiti began by stating that the goal of the “Cyber Pulse” initiative, launched by the Cybersecurity Council, is to ensure secure digital transformation in the UAE, aligning with the country’s sustainable development goals. He emphasized that cybersecurity is not the responsibility of a single entity or individual but is everyone’s responsibility, as security is a pulse. Hence, the Cyber Pulse initiative was born. He stressed that society and individuals themselves are the first line of defense against various cyber threats, including cybercrimes, cyberterrorism, and cyberwarfare targeting the state in cyberspace. The initiative aims to instill this “pulse” of cybersecurity and raise cyber awareness among all members of society, citizens, and residents alike, as it is an inclusive national initiative.

Dr. Al Kuwaiti further explained that the Cyber Pulse initiative targets all segments of society, irrespective of gender, and encompasses all stages of general and higher education in all emirates and their various regions.  The initiative aims to reach everyone, especially women and children.

Regarding the expected role of individuals in society, Dr. Al-Kuwaiti emphasized the importance of personal responsibility in securing oneself and extending the umbrella of security to one’s family. He introduced the concept of “Cyber National Loyalty”, which reflects the digital transformation and the utilization of modern technology to embed a set of national values, customs, and traditions that foster loyalty to the nation and its political leadership.  Dr. Al-Kuwaiti’s innovative approach views cyberspace as an integral part of the state’s territory, requiring its sovereignty to be maintained. This loyalty is not exclusive to citizens but extends to all members of society, including residents. Therefore, Dr. Al-Kuwaiti stressed that this loyalty is achieved through the wide-scale implementation of the initiative, engaging individuals in securing themselves and others, safeguarding their cyber community, and protecting the state’s assets and vital infrastructure.

Dr. Al-Kuwaiti explained that the initiative includes workshops and training programs on information security incidents, handling information security management centers, and simulating cyber-attacks targeting all sectors of the state and all segments of society, especially women and students in different stages of general and higher education. The Cybersecurity Council aims to develop a generation of Emirati work teams with the highest level of training and qualification in the field of information security.

In general, the Cybersecurity Council of the UAE government, as outlined by Dr. Al-Kuwaiti, aims to implement its innovative initiative on a wide scale through three main axes: the media axis, the educational axis, and the private sector axis. The media axis covers various traditional and new media outlets, as well as media departments in think tanks and research centers. The educational axis aims to incorporate cyberawareness into educational curricula and student training. The private sector axis focuses on targeting private companies and various economic institutions in the country.

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