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TRENDS Study highlights the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Weather Prediction and Climate Awareness

04 Apr 2024

TRENDS Study highlights the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Weather Prediction and Climate Awareness

04 Apr 2024


TRENDS Research and Advisory has released a new study entitled, “AI Skies: Transforming Weather Prediction and Climate Awareness.” The study explores how AI is transforming weather forecasting with an unprecedented level of accuracy.

The study, conducted by Noor Al Mazrouei, Head of the AI and advanced technology program at Trends, shows that by analyzing colossal amounts of data collected from satellites, weather forecasting stations and other sources, AI systems can predict extreme weather events more accurately, allowing for improved disaster preparedness and risk management.

The advent of AI applications in meteorology has ushered in a new era of personalized weather services, directly catering to the varying needs of different users and industries.

The study highlights the societal benefits of AI in weather forecasting, such as enhancing the accuracy of weather forecasts, that are essential for sound planning and decision-making across different sectors of society.

The study discusses how artificial intelligence has become a pivotal tool for simplifying and interpreting complex climate data, enabling decision makers and scientists to make better decisions. It explains the potential of artificial intelligence in raising public awareness of climate change, through platforms that translate complex climate data into an easy-to-understand format.

The study emphasizes the importance of encouraging governments to develop and integrate artificial intelligence technologies in the field of weather and climate issues, to enable citizens to participate actively in addressing climate change.

The author concluded that AI not only improves weather forecasting, but fundamentally changes the way we understand and address climate challenge. With challenges such as potential biases in AI algorithms, ongoing research and development shall usher in future endeavours where AI can enhance climate education and promote a culture of environmental responsibility.