Strategic Trends

STRATEGIC TRENDS (1) : End of Liberal Triumphalism: A perspective on China in the post-Covid global order

08 Jul 2020

Publication Thumb

ISBN: 978-9948-34-832-0

AED 15

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China’s immediate and future role in global affairs in post-pandemic times is an extension of its engagement in global issues before the Covid-19 outbreak. This role is enhanced by an urgent need for new voices in global affairs that emphasize dialogue and cooperation based on global standards. Covid-19 has exposed a deficit in the Western liberal order. A lack of collaboration and lack of leadership in fighting the pandemic has put an end to what is dubbed as the Triumphalism of Liberalism in the global order. China’s leadership in the fight against the pandemic has secured a humane voice for China in global affairs. Yet, to enhance and build on such a position, China must engage and support global projects, especially those it advocates, such as the community of shared human destiny.