Johan Burger is the Business Development Manager for Executive Education at the College of Business and Economics at the UAE University in Abu Dhabi. He regularly serves as a panellist and moderator at webinars. He is the former NTU-SBF Centre for African Studies (CAS) director and Senior Lecturer in International Business at the Nanyang Business School in Singapore. He previously served as the Director of International Programs at the Stellenbosch Business School (SBS) in South Africa and CEO of USB Executive Development Ltd. He taught Strategic Management, General Management, and Financial Analysis to MBA students and business executives. In addition, he is a research associate at the Institute for Futures Research (IFR) at the SBS and CAS.
His research interests include business models, emerging markets, growth opportunities, and Africa. He has published numerous articles on Africa in various publications. Recently, he authored a paper on the AfCFTA for Trends Research and Advisory and co-authored a White Paper on Digital Transformation in the Financial Services Sector of the UAE (ADGM) and a chapter on Tourism Satisfaction.
He has an MBA (cum laude) from the University of Stellenbosch, three honours degrees (Military History, Strategic Studies, and Business Administration – all cum laude), and a bachelor’s in Military Science (BMil) (cum laude).