
Leonid V. Tsukanov

Consultant, PIR Center

Leonid V. Tsukanov is a PIR Center Consultant, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) expert, and international journalist. He was nominated for the Nasser Bin Hamad International Youth Creativity Award on the track “Science” (Bahrain, 2021), and a quarterfinalist of the Innovators in Global Affairs Award on the track “International Cooperation” (Network 20/20, 2021), and a laureate of the G.M. Evstafiev Award for young professionals in the field of international security and nuclear non-proliferation (PIR Center, 2022). He has completed advanced training courses on regional security in the Middle East (Tel-Aviv University, MGIMO University) and cybersecurity (UrFU named after B.N. Yeltsin, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport), as well as on the study of terrorism problems (Universiteit Leiden, Allameh Tabataba’i University).