Prof. Emre Erdoğan is Member of International Relations Department – School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey. Prof. Erdoğan graduated from Galatasaray High School and Boğaziçi University, Department of Political Science, and International Relations in Istanbul, and completed his doctorate in the same department. Erdoğan, who has been conducting public opinion polls since 1996, founded Infakto RW, an independent research company, in 2003. He has taught Research Methods and Statistics part-time at Boğaziçi University and Istanbul Bilgi University since 2005, has been working as a full-time faculty member in the International Relations Department of Istanbul Bilgi University since 2015. Erdoğan has conducted numerous research and publications on foreign policy and public opinion, political participation, youth and child well-being, volunteering, social capital, and social development.