Director of the Reinhard Program on Counterterrorism & Intelligence at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Intern - International Studies
Associate professor in the faculty of governance economics and social sciences at Mohammed VI polytechnic university, Morocco
International Relations student at Zayed University
Assistant Professor in International Political Economy
Senior contributor - sustainability for
Researcher - The Strategic Studies Department
Professor of Civilization at the University of Manouba
Research Fellow in the Department of Political Studies and Governance at the University of the Free State - South Africa
Non-Resident Fellow - Director for Secure World Foundation - Washington D.C. - USA
Legal Advisor
Non-Resident Fellow, Senior Lecturer at the University of Adelaide’s Institute for International Trade
Non-Resident Fellow - expert in African Affairs
Senior fellow at Shalom Hartman Institute - Israel
Non-Resident Researcher - Research Fellow at the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) - USA
Non-Resident Fellow - Professor in International Relations and African Political Economy
Researcher in Political Islam
Research Intern at Gulf State Analytics
Non-resident Fellow, Healthcare Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and Vascular Surgery
Ram Sathe Chair for International Studies, Symbiosis International University, Pune, INDIA
Non-Resident Fellow - Founder/CEO of SAGE International, Australia
Analyst with Gulf States Analytics - USA
Non-Resident Fellow, Space Systems Thermal Product Manager, Airbus Defense and Space UK
Non-Resident Fellow - Psychologist, educator, and academic researcher
Project Director at the MEMRI Russian Media Research Project, Washington-Jerusalem
Director , International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism - United States of America
Researcher specializing in Latin American and Caribbean Affairs
Non-Resident Fellow, Expert in Security & Terrorism
Senior Research Fellow in the Energy, Environment, and Resources Department at Chatham House
Non-Resident Fellow, Chief Economist for the Middle East and North Africa Region (MNA), The World Bank - USA
Non-Resident Fellow, The Acting Chair of the Bachelor Program on Security and Strategic Studies of the American University in the Emirates
Non-Resident Fellow, Founder/Director, SpaceconneX
Non-Resident Fellow - Professor of Middle Eastern studies
Non-Resident Fellow - Assistant Professor of International Relations at Abu Dhabi University
Writer and political analyst
Non-Resident Fellow, Director of Research at Derasat, Bahrain
Cairo-based analyst and journalist
Professor of Political Science, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Political Analyst at the Geneva International Peace Research Institute
Professor of International Politics at the Chemnitz University of Technology
Research Associate in the Applied History Project, Kennedy School, Harvard University
Professor of Security Studies at Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad – Togo
Professor of the Department of Pacific Studies, University of Guadalajara in Guadalajara - Mexico
Lecturer at Johns Hopkins, and Non-Resident Scholar at the Middle East Institute
Regional Representative to the Gulf States Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - Germany
Chairman Public Safety Working Group Security Industry Association - United States of America
Non-Resident Fellow, Extremism and Security
Professor of History and International Affairs, University of North Carolina - United States of America
باحث متخصص في دراسات الإسلام السياسي
Research Professor at the Center for International Studies of El Colegio de México
Political Science at the University of Missouri
Israeli Defense Engineer and Analyst, Research Fellow - Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, Israel
Research Associate Begin- Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Israel
Defense Analyst & Contributing Editor Middle East Breaking Defense, UAE
Associate Professor - Department of National Security Affairs - Naval Postgraduate School - US
Danish-Lebanese Author & Activist
Strategic Advisor, Aerospace & Defence, Geostrategy
Professor, Special Advisor to the President
Non-Resident Fellow at TRENDS and an International Security Program Fellow with New America in Washington D.C.
Researcher and Academic in Information Technology and Cybercrime United Arab Emirates
Researcher, Specialist on Political Islam Studies - TRENDS Research & Advisory - UAE
Director of the Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS)
Visiting Professor, Faculty and Graduate School of Sport Sciences. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Economic Studies Expert
Non-Resident Fellow, Counter Terrorism & National Security
Associate Professor and Lead Researcher in Defense and Security at Rabdan Academy, Abu Dhabi
Assistant Professor of International Security at Khalifa University
Director of the School of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Tech
Senior research fellow - the Middle East University of the National University of Singapore
Non-resident fellow - Expert in modern civilization - University of Tunis
Freelance Writer and Consultant
Freelance Consultant
Non-Resident Fellow, Terrorism and Security
Professor of Political Science at Istanbul University
Non-Resident Fellow, Global Political Economy and Chinese Foreign Policy
Non-Resident Fellow, Law and Business
Non-Resident Fellow, Sustainable Technology
Non-Resident Fellow, International Relations & Development
Non-Resident Fellow, Political Islam
Non-Resident Fellow, Gender, Conflict & Security
Non-Resident Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council
Non-Resident Fellow, Environment and Economy
Non-Resident Fellow, Social Anthropology
Non-Resident Fellow, EU Politics and International Relations
Non-Resident Fellow, Middle East Politics and Media
Non-Resident Fellow, Education and Economy
Non-Resident Fellow, Counter Terrorism
Non-Resident Fellow, Warfare, Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency
Non-Resident Fellow, Transnational Criminal Law and Organized Crime
Non-Resident Fellow, expert in public health
Director Macroeconomics Policy and Research, IPEA - Brazil
Research associate at International Institute for Global Strategic Analysis (IIGSA)
PhD candidate in the department of Political Science and International Relations at the North-West University (Potchefstroom), South Africa
Maghreb Analyst at the NATO Defense College Foundation
Research Associate at The Arctic Institute, Washington DC
Fellow at the International Institute for Iranian Studies Rasanah - KSA
Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Wake Forest University, USA
Adjunct fellow at the University of Canterbury’s National Centre for Research on Europe
Non-Resident Fellow, Senior Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern Studies - University of Trento
Tenure-track Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Trieste, Italy
Senior lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University - Institute of Political Science - Hungary
Researcher at the JIME Center, the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
Non-Resident Fellow, specialist in Terrorism and Security related issues - Cameroon
Researcher - Specializing in African Affairs
International Relations Expert - University of South Florida
Head of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Desk at the Center for International Studies (Ce.S.I.)
Non-resident fellow & Director and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution’s John L. Thornton China Center
Director Institute for International and Strategic Affairs - France
Non-Resident Fellow, International Relations
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics - USA Ex-deputy prime minister and minister of finance of Bulgaria
CEO & Chief Economist Macronomics Consulting, United Kingdom
Head of the European Center for Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Studies – Germany and the Netherlands
Vice President of AI at Samsung SDS
Economic Development Consultant
Political Analyst - Turkey
Associate Professor in International Law at the University of East Anglia
Associate Professor in Law at the University of Warwick
Researcher in international law and global environmental change - University of East Anglia - England
Former Senior Advisor, Bureau for Near Eastern Affairs, U.S. Department of State U.S. National Security and Foreign Policy Expert
Renewable Energy Engineer - Cabo Verde
French Senator
Principal Research Consultant - Turkey
Media professional, interpreter for Russian President and Russian Foreign Minister
Director of Research Initiatives
Researcher, Associate Fellow at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS), France
Director of the Center for Future Studies at the University of Dubai and President of the Robotics and Automation Society
Emeritus Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Independent foreign policy analyst - Azerbaijan
Professor of International Relations and Senior Consulting at Chatham House UK, and Professor International Relations at Regent’s University
Expert/ Head of International Security Program
Head of UAE Cybersecurity Council
Journalist - Jordan
CEO of Aletihad News Centre
Researcher/ Research Department
Director - Security Advisory at Buro Happold
Indian Research Intern at the Strategic Studies Department, TRENDS Research & Advisory
Chairperson, National Human Rights Institution, United Arab Emirates
Non-resident Researcher
Lecturer at Kent University
Chairman of the Board of Directors, The UAE Journalists Association
Staff Major General Pilot (Retired)
Scientific Advisor - Director of Strategic Studies
Associate Professor, American University in the Emirates Dubai, UAE
Trainee at TRENDS Research & Advisory
Director of Technical Services Division/acting, Abu Dhabi Agriculture & Food Safety Authority - UAE
Tawazun Chair in Defence and Security Capability at Rabdan Academy, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Director of AJC Abu Dhabi: The Sidney Lerner Center for Arab-Jewish Understanding
Research Fellow
Researcher - International Relations Specialist
Researcher and author, specializing in geopolitics, India.
Non-Resident Fellow, Gulf International Forum
University of Calgary & American University in Cairo
Associate Professor, University of Lodz, Poland
Asia-based Academic and Policy Adviser
Postdoc – University of Hamburg/Researcher Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO) - Germany
Research trainee at Derasat, BA in Politics and International Studies from the University of Warwick
Young Researcher- bachelors of science in Politics and International Relations - University of Bristol - UK
Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Expert on Iran’s foreign and defense policy - Iran
CEO of Gulf State Analytics - USA
Director, Center for International Studies, Argentina
Freelance researcher, former NATO analyst, EU Marie Curie Fellow 2024-2026, Brussels, Belgium
Geopolitics and foreign relations specialist
Researcher - TRENDS Research & Advisory Professor - International Relations, Shandong University, China
Member of International Relations Department - School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
Researcher - the Research Institute of Environmental Law of Wuhan University
Director of Major in Real Estate Finance at LUISS Business School - Italy
Consultant, PIR Center
Senior Analyst - International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR), S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore
Co-Director of Environment and Sustainability Management Program at George Town University
Scientific Director of CeSPI Observatory on Türkiye, Italy
Professor of Security Studies at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore
Research Fellow - National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore
Research Intern at the Strategic Studies Department, TRENDS Research and Advisory
Energy Strategist & Senior Visiting Fellow at George Mason University, U.S.
Part-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute (EUI)
International relations graduate from Zayed University
BA in International Studies at the University of Trent
MEP Policy Advisor (European Parliament) - Italy
Research fellow at GIGA - The German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Germany
Professor of International Security - University of Bristol, UK.
European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Rome
Independent analyst
Innovation & Research , United Arab Emirates
Adjunct Professor in international affairs at the Brussels School of Governance
Lead Digital Policy Analyst - European Policy Centre (EPC), Brussels
International Relations Officer and Junior Analyst at the Med-Or Foundation
Assistant Professor of Economics - Institute of Public Administration - IPA - Saudi Arabia
Researcher for the MENA desk at the Center for Geopolitical Studies “” - Rome
Director, Center for Energy & Climate, IFRI
Political Islam Expert, Sweden
Water Innovation Policy Manager | Water Europe | Belgium
Associate Professor and AT&T Scholar - Michigan State University
Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute - Madrid, Spain
Faculty member at International Entrepreneurship Department - TOBB ETU
Intern - Zayed University
Professor of international relations at European University in Tbilisi, Georgia
Canadian freelance defense reporter - Milan, Italy
Head of the Stockholm Centre for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs, Sweden
Journalist and Reporter - World Press Institute fellow - Iran
Business Development Manager for Executive Education - the College of Business and Economics, UAE University
Terrorism and Political Violence Expert - US
Non-Resident Fellow - Director of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
Head of the Laboratory for Contemporary Iranian Studies
Expert on Modern Turkey - The Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (JISS)
Head of Rome Office and Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
Intern from Zayed University
Dean of the College of Education and a Professor of Education at Winona State University, USA
Associate Professor at Rabdan Academy, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Innovation and Global R&D Initiatives Director at SOCAR Turkiye R&D and Innovation Co.
Chief Executive Officer at Glocal Group Consulting, Investment & Trade
Consultant at Glocal Group Consulting, Investment & Trade
Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South -Morocco
Researcher and lecturer specializing in International Relations - Tunisia
Analyst, Europe desk, ITCT
Research Fellow - Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), Balkans Desk
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, American University in Cairo
Associate Professor at the Institute of Religious Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Science of the University of Montreal
Senior Research Fellow, The Institute for Iran-Eurasia Studies (IRAS), Tehran, Iran
Non-Resident Fellow, International Relations & Counter-Terrorism
Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy Research Institute - United States.
Head of TRENDS Research & Advisory Argentina Office
Director of the European Development and Research Academy (EDARA) - Belgium
Vice President For Research American University in the Emirates – AUE Dubai - UAE
Doctoral research at KU Leuven
Professor of history at EPHE (École Pratique des Hautes Études) - France
Researcher in contemporary Arab philosophy - Morocco
Vice-Chair | Middle East Water Forum | Germany
Chief Executive Officer, Rui International Group, Dubai, UAE
Senior Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP) - Columbia
Convenor of the Oxford University China-Africa Network
Intern- Undergraduate in Politics & International Relations at the University of Warwick.
Associate Professor - Belguim
Researcher in Marketing, ESC AMIENS - France
Head of the Economic and Business Department, Faculty of Technology and Business, at University College Beder - Albania
Research Fellow & Lecturer - Russia
Independent analyst and consultant - Türkiye
CEO of Pangea Geopolitical Risk Consultancy
Researcher at the Centre Jean Pépin (CNRS) and the Institut français d'études andines (IFEA) in Lima
Lecturer at Informatic Economics Department and Head of Research and Project Office at Beder University College - Albania
Senior International Journalist and Commentator - Türkiye